JICA Alumni Society of Maldives (JICA-ASM) is an NGO of JICA training ex-participant, who have undergone training in Japan under Technical Cooperation Programmes of Japan International Cooperation Agency, Government of Japan & it’s the first Alumni Society of Maldives.
The founding and establishment of the JICA-ASM was conceptualized in 2003 through the efforts of a group of administrators and academicians from various government Ministries.
The JICA-ASM was formally organized in 15th February 2005. This was the year when the Constitution and by-laws of JICA-ASM was crafted by a group of ex-JICA participants mostly lawyers and officials coming from various government agencies, From its original membership of less than 4 in 2003, JICA-ASM continued to grow to its present membership of 400 + and it tries to keep close interaction among members by organising a wide spectrum of activities such as Seminars, workshops, cultural programmes, excursion trips and annual get-together.